Jackass Pass (also called “Giddy Up” on some maps) is a short connector trail that connects Cutler’s Twist and Cinch on the North Access Road to North Fork Park back to the Cutler Flats Campground and Bowery area. This short and easy trail opens up some great loop options at the north end of North Fork Park. For example, you can park at the North River Parking and ride up trails such as Bicentennial, Long Loop, Traildemic, and then come down Cutler creek, into Cutler’s twist and then use Jackass Pass to get back to your vehicle.
You can also use this trail if you want to start on the south end of the park and ride up Pipeline to Cinch, and then take Jackass Pass to get to the northern trails and return via any of the 3 Mule Trails or Cinch after playing on the North end of the park. Starting on the North end you can even start on Jackass Pass to get to Cinch, take pipeline to Trail 365, catch TMF over to either Mule Ear or Mule Connector, then come down Cutler’s Twist, and then return to your vehicle at Cutler’s Flat.
While this trail itself is not a reason to come up to North Fork Park, it is a great utility trail that really opens up a lot of riding options. We were surprised that the trail elevation gain and loss were nearly identical. We expected it to be mostly uphill from the road to cutler’s flat.
There is even a Rock skinny feature on the trail that marks the summit. From here it is all downhill in either direction.
Max elevation: 5845 ft
Min elevation: 5745 ft
Total climbing: 167 ft
Total descent: -162 ft