Traildemic is found in the north part of North Fork Park, in Utah. This trail was constructed in 2020 during the Pandemic, which is how it got it’s name. Signage is adequate, although there are a few false trails that either lead to the river with no option to cross or a couple of trails we have not explored. There are several options for riding this trail as part of a larger ride.You can ride it as an out and back for a good 3-mile (plus the short distance on North River Trail to the trailhead) or riding it as a loop with Bicentennial, Bicentennial Middle and/or Long Loop. Our favorite option for riding Traildemic is a loop starting with Traildemic from the North River Trail up to the top, and then take Cutler’s twist down, then return to the Cutler’s Flat campground via Jackass Pass.
The easiest way to access Traildemic is from the North River Trail. Park at the trailhead by the Cutler’s Flat campground and head down the double track road, past the gate and then look for the junction with Traildemic and Bicentennial trail – both of these start from the same point.
We rode this trail as part of a larger ride we call Cutler’s Mule and Ass, and rode it from the bottom where it starts at Bicentennial and North River Trail. Overall the trail is well constructed and is not overly difficult, but it is a pretty good climb from the bottom up – especially the last push at the end of the trail. Like most mountain bike trails it is probably a lot more fun to ride in the downhill direction, but what goes up must come down, and we would rather ride down Cutler’s Twist. 🙂
The trail does offer a couple of alternate options for more advanced riders and these look to be set up to be ridden in either direction. When we rode the trail the bridge over Cutler Creek was damaged from the record winter snowfall we had in Utah in 2022 – 2023. Once the bridge gets repaired it will be rideable again and there is an alternate creek crossing for horses to help keep damage to the bridge to a minimum.
There are two additional access points from the camp areas on the western end of Cutler’s Flat. When riding Traildemic these are signed well so you don’t accidentally end up in the campground if you don’t want, or can return should you need to. That makes this trail a great utility for incorporating the north end of the park into your camping trip as well.
Max elevation: 6082 ft
Min elevation: 5753 ft
Total climbing: 697 ft
Total descent: -369 ft