Cutler’s Twist is a newer trail that was completed in the summer of 2020 in North Fork Park near Eden, Utah. Options for riding this trail are many. One option is to start at the Mule trails trailhead at the north end of the park and ride up Mule Ear a short distance and then ride Cutler’s twist to the bottom and then return via Mule Ear, which is a pretty steep climb. Another option would be to continue on Cinch and return via Connector.
Another option would be to park at the Cutler Flats trail head, ride up either the North River Trail, Bicentennial or Long Loop and them come back down Cutler Creek, or ride up Traildemic and then ride Cutler’s twist and return via Jackass Pass.
You could also start from the south end of the park and ride up either Trail 365 and Traily McTrailface (TMF) to Connector or Mule Ear or you could ride up Pipeline to the same point and then return via Cinch and pipeline or Trail365. It’s all of these options that make North Fork Park so great!
Cutler’s Twist is primarily a downhill trail for bikes although it is not directional. We would recommend only riding it downhill and return via one of the many other trails in the area. This trail features some fun high banked berms, a few A/B lines with a skinny bridge near the top, several rocks and a log roller that you can launch off if you dare. There is also an optional small drop off an old picnic table shortly after you cross the road to Cutler Flats.
There used to be a double picnic table feature near the end of the trail but too many riders were injured attempting to ride it. Unfortunately a good friend of ours was one of those riders and spent several days in the hospital with a fractured sternum and several fracture vertebrae. The double picnic table is shown in the trail video and will be missed by many who rode it and probably more by those who never got the chance.
For the fat bikers out there, Cutler’s Twist is groomed in the winter for fat tire bikes as well so it will be a 4-season option for the die hard riders.
There are signs indicating horses are not recommended, but that doesn’t guarantee you won’t find a horse or two on the trail. However, with all the twists and turns I don’t think horseback riders will find this trail very much fun for them.
If you are in the Ogden Valley area we recommend this trail highly. The tail is well designed and a lot of fun.
Max elevation: 6066 ft
Min elevation: 5727 ft
Total climbing: 348 ft
Total descent: -611 ft
Directions to Trailhead

- From I-15 take the Ogden 2700 North Exit and travel east
- Continue on 2700 North to Washington Boulevard.
- Turn North on Washington Boulevard and continue to 3100 North
- At 3100North turn East on 3100 North and drive 6.7 miles up and over the North Ogden Divide.
- Turn Morth on 3300 North for 1.5 Miles and then take the slight Left onto North Fork Road.
- Follow North Fork Road and watch for the parking are on the east side of the road. You will pass the Mule Shoe/Mule Ear trailheads on the south side before you reach the parking. If you pass the Trials again you have driven about 20 feet too far.